Akarkara (PELLITORY ROOT) Unveiled: Your Essential Guide to Purchasing and Utilizing - Anacyclus Pyrethrum

Table of Contents:

1. Introduction to Akarkara (Pellitory Root)
2. Morphology and Chemical Constituent
3. Nutritional Value 
4. Ayurvedic Properties
5. Dosha Balancing with Akarkara
6. Health Benefits
7. Traditional Uses
8. Different Forms of Pellitory Root
9. Ayurvedic Recipes and Formulations
10. Best Times for Intake
11. General Uses & Dosage
12. Factors to Consider When Buying Akarkara (Pellitory Root)
13. Where to Buy Anacyclus Pyrethrum?
14. Precautions and Side Effects
15. Frequently Asked Questions

1. Introduction to Akarkara (Pellitory Root)

What is Akarkara?

Hey there! Let's dive into the fascinating world of Akarkara, also known as Pellitory Root. Akarkara is a medicinal plant that has been used for centuries in traditional herbal medicine. It belongs to the Zingiberaceae family, which includes ginger, turmeric, and cardamom. This unique plant is native to various regions of India and is known for its potent therapeutic properties.

The History of Pellitory Root

To understand Akarkara better, let's take a step back in time and explore its rich history. Akarkara has been a part of traditional medicine systems in India, such as Ayurveda and Unani, for centuries. It holds a prominent place in these ancient healing practices due to its wide range of medicinal benefits.

The use of Akarkara can be traced back to ancient texts like the Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita, which date back thousands of years. These texts describe the plant as a valuable remedy for various ailments, such as dental issues, digestive problems, respiratory conditions, and sexual disorders.

Buy Anacyclus pyrethrum Root Powder

Buy Anacyclus pyrethrum Root Whole

Cultivation and Sources of Mount Atlas Daisy

Akarkara is primarily cultivated in different parts of India, particularly in regions with subtropical climate. The plant thrives in well-drained soils and requires a moderate amount of water. It is usually propagated through its rhizomes, which are underground stems that give rise to new shoots and roots.

Farmers carefully nurture Akarkara plants, allowing them to grow for about two to three years before harvesting the roots. The roots are the most sought-after part of the plant for medicinal purposes. Once harvested, the roots are dried and processed into various forms, such as powder, extracts, or oils, depending on their intended use.

Akarkara / Pellitory Root

Popular And Common Names of Anacyclus Pyrethrum

Akarkara (Pellitory Root) is known for various popular and common names in different regions and languages. Some of the popular names for Akarkara include:

  • Pellitory Root: This is the English common name for Akarkara.
  • Anacyclus pyrethrum: This is the Latin botanical name for Akarkara.
  • Akkalakara: This is a commonly used name for Akarkara in Ayurveda and traditional Indian medicine.
  • Akkarakaram: This is another common name for Akarkara in India, particularly in the Tamil language.
  • Spanish Chamomile: In some regions, Akarkara is referred to as Spanish Chamomile, although it should be noted that it is different from the true Chamomile plant.
  • Mount Atlas Daisy: This is another name that is occasionally used for Akarkara.
  • Pyrethrum: Akarkara is sometimes referred to as Pyrethrum, which is derived from its botanical name Anacyclus pyrethrum.

2. Morphology and Chemical Constituent 


Anacyclus pyrethrum is a perennial plant that grows up to 60 cm in height. It has a woody root system with numerous branching roots that can grow up to 30 cm long. The stem is erect, thin, and branched with a greyish-green color. The leaves are simple, alternate, and lobed with a length of 2-4 cm and a width of 1-2 cm. The flowers are small, yellow, and arranged in heads that are 1-2 cm in diameter. The fruits are small and dry, with a length of 2-3 mm.

Chemical Constituents

Anacyclus pyrethrum root contains several bioactive compounds that are responsible for its medicinal properties. The major constituents of Anacyclus pyrethrum root include:

Pyrethrins: Pyrethrins are a group of six insecticidal compounds that are found in Anacyclus pyrethrum root. They are highly toxic to insects but relatively non-toxic to mammals.

Alkylamides: Alkylamides are a group of compounds that have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. They are also responsible for the tingling sensation that is felt when Anacyclus pyrethrum root is chewed or applied topically.

Sesquiterpenes: Sesquiterpenes are a group of compounds that have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antifungal properties. They are also responsible for the characteristic odor of Anacyclus pyrethrum root.

Flavonoids: Flavonoids are a group of compounds that have antioxidant properties. They are also responsible for the yellow color of Anacyclus pyrethrum flowers.

Tannins: Tannins are a group of compounds that have astringent properties. They are responsible for the bitter taste of Anacyclus pyrethrum root.

3. Nutritional Value 

Anacyclus pyrethrum root is not typically consumed as a food and therefore does not have an established nutritional value. However, it is used in traditional medicine for its medicinal properties.

Anacyclus pyrethrum root contains several bioactive compounds, including pyrethrins, alkylamides, sesquiterpenes, flavonoids, and tannins. These compounds have been shown to have a variety of therapeutic properties, including anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antimicrobial, and antioxidant effects.

4. Ayurvedic Properties 

Rasa (Taste) of Akarkara (Pellitory Root) in Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, the concept of Rasa refers to the taste of a substance. When it comes to Akarkara, it possesses a unique taste that can be described as pungent or spicy. Just like biting into a hot chili pepper, consuming Akarkara can create a tingling or numbing sensation on the tongue. This pungent taste is a characteristic feature of Akarkara and reflects its potent properties.

Virya (Potency) 

Virya, in Ayurveda, refers to the potency or effect that a substance has on the body. When it comes to Akarkara, it is considered to have a heating or hot virya. This means that consuming Akarkara can create a warming effect within the body. This heating quality is believed to stimulate various physiological processes, promoting circulation, and enhancing metabolic functions.

Vipaka (Post-digestive Effect) 

Vipaka refers to the post-digestive effect of a substance, which is the taste that remains after digestion. In the case of Akarkara, it is said to have pungent vipaka. This means that even after digestion, Akarkara continues to have a pungent or spicy taste in the mouth. This lingering taste indicates that Akarkara can have a long-lasting impact on the body, even after it has been metabolized.

Gunas (Qualities) 

In Ayurveda, Gunas refers to the qualities or attributes of a substance. Akarkara possesses a unique combination of gunas that contribute to its medicinal properties. Some of the prominent gunas associated with Akarkara include:

Laghu (Lightness)

Akarkara is considered light in nature, which means it does not impose a heavy burden on the body when consumed. This quality makes it easier for the body to process and utilize its therapeutic benefits.

Tikshna (Sharpness)

Akarkara has a sharp and penetrating quality. This sharpness is responsible for the tingling sensation it creates when consumed, making it useful for addressing issues related to the mouth, throat, and respiratory system.

Snigdha (Oily or Unctuousness)

Akarkara has a slightly oily quality, which helps balance its sharpness. This quality allows it to moisturize and soothe tissues, making it beneficial for conditions like dry mouth or throat.

Teekshna (Intense)

Akarkara is known for its intense and potent effects. Its concentrated properties make it a powerful herb that can address various health concerns.

Understanding these Ayurvedic properties of Akarkara provides us with insights into how it can be used and its potential effects on the body. By recognizing its tastes, potency, post-digestive effect, and qualities, we can appreciate the holistic approach Ayurveda takes in analyzing medicinal substances like Akarkara.

5. Dosha Balancing with Anacyclus Pyrethrum:

For Vata Dosha

In Ayurveda, doshas are the three bio-energetic forces that govern our physical and mental well-being. Vata dosha is associated with the elements of air and ether, and when imbalanced, it can lead to issues like anxiety, dryness, and digestive disturbances.

When it comes to Vata dosha, Akarkara can play a balancing role. Its heating nature and pungent taste can help pacify Vata imbalances. The warming quality of Akarkara helps to counteract the cold and dryness often associated with Vata dosha. Additionally, its stimulating properties can aid in improving digestion and alleviating symptoms such as bloating or irregular bowel movements.

For Pitta Dosha

Pitta dosha, associated with the elements of fire and water, governs our metabolism, digestion, and body temperature. When Pitta dosha is out of balance, it can manifest as symptoms like inflammation, heartburn, and irritability.

For Pitta dosha, Akarkara can be beneficial due to its cooling post-digestive effect and its ability to reduce excessive heat in the body. While Akarkara is primarily known for its heating properties, its pungent taste can help stimulate digestion without aggravating Pitta. Its balancing effect on Pitta dosha makes it useful for conditions such as acid reflux, excessive sweating, and inflammatory disorders.

For Kapha Dosha

Kapha dosha, governed by the elements of earth and water, provides structure and stability to our bodies. When Kapha dosha becomes imbalanced, it can lead to issues like sluggishness, congestion, and weight gain.

To balance Kapha dosha, Akarkara's pungent and heating qualities can be particularly helpful. Its stimulating properties can help counteract the heavy and sluggish nature of Kapha. Akarkara's ability to promote circulation and warmth can help alleviate congestion, improve digestion, and invigorate the body and mind.

Balancing Multiple Doshas 

One of the remarkable aspects of Ayurveda is its ability to address imbalances involving multiple doshas. When it comes to balancing multiple doshas, Akarkara can be a valuable herb. Its unique combination of qualities, including its heating nature, pungent taste, and stimulating properties, allows it to have a balancing effect on all three doshas.

For individuals with a combination of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha imbalances, Akarkara can provide a holistic approach. It helps in managing digestive issues, reducing inflammation, supporting healthy metabolism, and promoting overall well-being.

By understanding how Akarkara interacts with each dosha, we can utilize its properties to restore balance and promote optimal health in a personalized and holistic manner.

6. Health Benefits 

For Digestive Health 

When it comes to digestive health, Akarkara offers several benefits. Its pungent taste and heating properties stimulate the digestive fire, known as Agni, promoting optimal digestion and metabolism. By enhancing Agni, Akarkara can help alleviate symptoms like bloating, flatulence, and indigestion.

Additionally, Akarkara has carminative properties, which means it can help reduce gas and ease discomfort in the digestive tract. It can also support healthy bowel movements by promoting regularity and relieving constipation.

For Oral Health 

Akarkara has been traditionally used for its remarkable oral health benefits. Its pungent taste and stimulating properties make it a valuable herb for addressing various oral issues. The antimicrobial properties of Akarkara help combat harmful bacteria in the mouth, reducing the risk of dental infections and gum diseases.

Furthermore, Akarkara can help alleviate toothaches and gum problems by numbing the affected area. Its ability to stimulate saliva production aids in maintaining oral hygiene and preventing dry mouth.

For Respiratory Health 

Akarkara has long been recognized for its positive impact on respiratory health. Its warming nature and expectorant properties make it useful for managing respiratory conditions such as coughs, bronchitis, and congestion. Akarkara helps in loosening and expelling phlegm, making it easier to breathe.

In addition, its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects can help reduce inflammation in the respiratory tract and provide relief from symptoms associated with respiratory infections.

For Immune-Boosting 

Akarkara is known to possess immune-boosting properties, which can help strengthen the body's defense mechanisms. Its antimicrobial and antiviral properties make it effective in fighting against various pathogens that can cause infections.

Akarkara also supports the overall vitality of the body, aiding in maintaining optimal health and preventing illnesses. By promoting healthy digestion, reducing inflammation, and improving respiratory health, it indirectly supports immune function.

Anti-inflammatory Properties

Anacyclus pyrethrum root contains several compounds with anti-inflammatory properties, including sesquiterpenes and alkylamides. These compounds have been shown to have potential therapeutic effects in the treatment of inflammatory conditions such as arthritis.

Anti-microbial Properties

Anacyclus pyrethrum root has been traditionally used as an antimicrobial agent to treat various infections. Studies have shown that root extract has antibacterial and antifungal effects against a range of microorganisms.

Other Health Benefits 

In addition to the specific benefits mentioned above, Akarkara offers several other health benefits. It is believed to have aphrodisiac properties and is used in traditional systems of medicine to address sexual disorders and enhance libido.

Furthermore, Akarkara is known to have analgesic properties, making it helpful in managing pain and inflammation. It can be used topically or internally to alleviate conditions like arthritis, joint pain, and muscular discomfort.

Moreover, Akarkara is also recognized for its diuretic properties, which can help promote healthy kidney function and assist in eliminating toxins from the body.

By harnessing the power of Akarkara, we can tap into its potential to promote digestive health, improve oral hygiene, support respiratory well-being, boost immunity, and provide relief in various other aspects of our overall health.

7. Traditional Uses 

Ayurvedic Herbal Formulations

Akarkara is a versatile herb that finds its way into numerous Ayurvedic herbal formulations. Its unique properties, including its pungent taste and heating nature, make it a valuable ingredient in various herbal blends. Akarkara is often used as a supportive herb to enhance the effectiveness of other herbs in the formulation.

In Ayurveda, Akarkara is believed to help improve the bioavailability of other herbs, ensuring their optimal absorption and utilization by the body. Its stimulating and warming qualities can also help promote the overall potency of the formulation, aiding in better therapeutic outcomes.

Joint and Muscular Health

Akarkara has been traditionally used to support joint and muscular health. Its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties make it beneficial for managing conditions like arthritis, rheumatism, and muscular pain.

The heating nature of Akarkara helps improve blood circulation to the affected areas, reducing inflammation and alleviating discomfort. It is often used topically in the form of oils or poultices, providing relief from joint stiffness, swelling, and pain. Additionally, when taken internally, Akarkara supports the overall health of the musculoskeletal system.

Sexual and Reproductive Health

One of the well-known traditional uses of Akarkara is its role in supporting sexual and reproductive health. It is considered an aphrodisiac in Ayurveda, meaning it helps enhance libido and sexual vitality.

Akarkara is believed to stimulate the production of reproductive fluids, promoting healthy sexual function. It is often used in Ayurvedic formulations that address sexual disorders, such as erectile dysfunction, low libido, and premature ejaculation. The herb's heating properties are thought to improve blood flow to the reproductive organs, supporting overall sexual well-being.

Nervous System Support

Akarkara has been used in Ayurveda to support the health of the nervous system. Its stimulating properties make it beneficial for conditions such as nerve pain, neuropathy, and paralysis. The warming nature of Akarkara is believed to improve nerve conduction and promote the regeneration of damaged nerves.

In addition, Akarkara is considered a nervine tonic, which means it helps strengthen and nourish the nervous system. It is traditionally used to support mental clarity, memory, and overall cognitive function.

By recognizing the traditional uses of Akarkara in Ayurveda, we can appreciate its extensive applications in promoting joint and muscular health, supporting sexual and reproductive well-being, and aiding in nervous system support.

8. Different Forms of Pellitory Root

Raw Akarkara Root

This is the unprocessed root of the Anacyclus pyrethrum plant. It can be chewed directly or used to prepare other formulations like decoctions or powders.

Akarkara Powder (Churna)

The root is dried and then ground into a fine powder. This powder can be consumed directly or used as an ingredient in various Ayurvedic formulations and recipes.

Akarkara Decoction

A decoction is prepared by boiling the dried Akarkara root in water. This method extracts the active compounds and allows for easy consumption.

Akarkara Oil

Oil infused with Akarkara is prepared by macerating the root in a carrier oil such as sesame or coconut oil. This oil is used topically for massages to alleviate joint pain or applied to the scalp for hair-related issues.

Akarkara Capsules or Tablets

Extracts from the Akarkara root can be encapsulated or compressed into tablet form for convenient consumption as a supplement.

Akarkara Tincture

An alcoholic extract of Akarkara root, often used for its medicinal properties in small, concentrated doses.

9. Ayurvedic Recipes and Formulations 

In Ayurveda, Akarkara (Pellitory Root) is often combined with other herbs to create powerful formulations that target specific health concerns. These formulations leverage the synergistic effects of multiple herbs to enhance their therapeutic properties. Here are a few commonly used Ayurvedic formulations and recipes that include Akarkara:

Akarkara (Pellitory Root) Powder with Honey 

One simple and effective way to incorporate Akarkara into your daily routine is by preparing a powder with honey. Here's a recipe to try:

  • 1 tablespoon Akarkara (Pellitory Root) powder
  • 1 tablespoon raw honey
  • Take one tablespoon of Akarkara powder and transfer it to a clean, dry bowl.
  • Add an equal amount of raw honey to the powder.
  • Mix the two ingredients well until they form a paste-like consistency.
  • Your Akarkara powder with honey is ready to use.

Take 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of this mixture once or twice a day. You can consume it on an empty stomach in the morning or before meals. This combination can help support digestion, boost energy, and promote overall well-being.

Herbal Tea Recipe

Enjoying Akarkara as an herbal tea is another wonderful way to experience its benefits. Here's a simple recipe to make Akarkara herbal tea:

  • 1 teaspoon Akarkara (Pellitory Root) powder
  • 1 cup water
  • Optional: honey or lemon for taste
  • Boil one cup of water in a saucepan.
  • Once the water reaches a rolling boil, add one teaspoon of Akarkara powder to it.
  • Reduce the heat and let the mixture simmer for about 5 minutes.
  • Turn off the heat and strain the tea into a cup.
  • Add honey or lemon, if desired, for added flavor.

Sip this herbal tea once or twice a day. It can be enjoyed warm or at room temperature. This tea can help promote digestion, respiratory health, and overall vitality.

Herbal Oil Preparation and Uses

Akarkara oil can be prepared using the traditional method of Ayurvedic oil infusion. While it requires some time and patience, the resulting oil can be used topically for joint and muscular health or as a massage oil. Here's a general guideline:

  • 1 cup carrier oil (such as sesame oil or coconut oil)
  • 1 tablespoon Akarkara (Pellitory Root) powder
  • In a clean, dry glass jar, combine one cup of carrier oil with one tablespoon of Akarkara powder.
  • Stir the mixture well to ensure the powder is evenly distributed.
  • Close the jar tightly and place it in a cool, dark place.
  • Let the mixture infuse for about 4 to 6 weeks, shaking the jar gently every few days.
  • After the infusion period, strain the oil using a fine sieve or cheesecloth.
  • Transfer the infused oil into a clean, sterilized bottle or container.

You can apply the Akarkara oil topically to the affected areas for joint and muscular health. Gently massage the oil into the skin using circular motions. The warming properties of the oil can help alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and promote relaxation.

Decoction for Oral Health:

  • Take 1 tablespoon of Akarkara root powder, 1 tablespoon of Triphala powder, and 4 cups of water in a saucepan.
  • Bring the mixture to a boil and then simmer for about 20 minutes.
  • Allow the decoction to cool and strain it.
  • Use this decoction as a mouth rinse twice daily to promote oral health, alleviate toothache, and freshen your breath.
Buy Triphala Powder
Read Blog - Triphala 

Herbal Paste for Joint Health:

  • Take 1 tablespoon of Akarkara root powder, 1 tablespoon of Ashwagandha root powder, and enough water to make a paste.
  • Mix the powders with water to form a thick, smooth paste.
  • Apply this paste to the affected joints and gently massage for a few minutes.
  • Leave the paste on for 15-20 minutes and then rinse it off with warm water.
  • This paste is believed to provide relief from joint pain, inflammation, and stiffness.
Buy Ashwagandha Powder
Read Blog - Ashwagandha Benefits

Herbal Hair Oil:

  • Take 1 cup of coconut oil or sesame oil in a saucepan.
  • Add 2 tablespoons of Akarkara root powder and 2 tablespoons of Brahmi powder to the oil.
  • Heat the mixture on low heat for about 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  • Remove from heat and allow the oil to cool.
  • Strain the oil and store it in a clean, dark-colored bottle.
  • Apply this oil to the scalp and massage gently before bedtime.
  • Leave the oil on overnight and wash it off in the morning.
  • This herbal oil blend helps nourish the scalp, promotes hair growth, and reduces hair fall.
Buy Brahmi Powder
Read Blog - Brahmi Benefits

Trikatu Churna:

Trikatu churna is a traditional Ayurvedic formulation that combines three spices: Akarkara (Pellitory Root), black pepper, and long pepper. It is primarily used to support digestive health, stimulate appetite, and enhance metabolism. Trikatu churna is believed to improve digestion, alleviate bloating, and enhance the absorption of nutrients.

Dashamoola Churna:

Dashamoola churna is a blend of ten roots, including Akarkara, along with other herbs such as Bilva (Aegle marmelos), Agnimantha (Premna integrifolia), and Shalaparni (Desmodium gangeticum). This formulation is valued for its ability to balance Vata dosha, reduce inflammation, and support joint and muscular health. It is often used in Ayurvedic treatments for conditions like arthritis, joint pain, and muscle stiffness.

Vidarikandadi Churna:

Vidarikandadi churna combines Akarkara with Vidarikanda (Pueraria tuberosa), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) powder, Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) powder, Safed Musli (Chlorophytum borivilianum) powder & Gokhru (Tribulus terrestris) powder. This formulation is known for its rejuvenating and aphrodisiac properties. It is used to support sexual and reproductive health, boost libido, and enhance stamina and vitality.

Buy Vidarikanda (Pueraria tuberosa) Powder
Buy Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) Powder
Buy Safed Musli (Chlorophytum borivilianum) Powder
Buy Gokhru (Tribulus terrestris) Powder
Read Blog - Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus)
Read Blog - Safed Musli (Chlorophytum borivilianum)
Read Blog - Gokhru (Tribulus terrestris)

Talisadi Churna:

Talisadi churna is a popular Ayurvedic formulation that includes Akarkara, Talisa (Abies webbiana), Pippali (Long Pepper) powder, Ela (Cardamom) powder, Twak (Cinnamon) powder and Sharkara (Sugar) or Mishri (Rock Sugar) powder. It is traditionally used for respiratory health support, especially in cases of cough, congestion, and bronchitis. Talisadi churna helps alleviate respiratory symptoms, clears congestion, and promotes easy breathing.


Panchasava is a fermented herbal tonic that contains Akarkara along with other herbs like Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Vidarikanda, and Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), Gokhru (Tribulus terrestris), Safed Musli (Chlorophytum borivilianum), Jeera (Cumin), Dhataki (Woodfordia fruticosa), jaggery or sugar Water. This formulation is used to promote overall well-being, improve strength and stamina, and support the immune system. Panchasava is often prescribed as a general health tonic in Ayurvedic practice.

By exploring these Ayurvedic recipes and formulations, you can incorporate Akarkara into your daily routine and experience its benefits in a personalized and enjoyable way.

10. Best Times Intake:


In Ayurveda, the morning is considered an ideal time to consume Akarkara (Pellitory Root) due to its stimulating properties. Taking Akarkara in the morning can help kickstart your digestion and metabolism for the day ahead. It can enhance the digestive fire (Agni) and promote optimal absorption and assimilation of nutrients from your meals.

Starting your day with Akarkara can also provide an energizing effect, helping you feel more alert and focused. It can be particularly beneficial if you tend to experience sluggishness or heaviness in the morning.

You can incorporate Akarkara into your morning routine by adding it to herbal teas, honey preparations, or Ayurvedic formulations. Remember to start with a small dosage and gradually increase as per your body's response and the guidance of an Ayurvedic practitioner.


While the morning is considered an ideal time for Akarkara intake, it can also be used in the evening based on individual needs and circumstances. However, it's important to be mindful of its stimulating nature, which may affect sleep for some individuals. If you are sensitive to stimulants, it may be best to avoid consuming Akarkara close to bedtime.

In the evening, Akarkara can be beneficial if you are looking to support digestion after a heavy meal or if you experience symptoms of indigestion or bloating later in the day. It can help stimulate Agni and promote the efficient breakdown and absorption of nutrients.

If you choose to consume Akarkara in the evening, consider a lower dosage and monitor how your body responds. It's always recommended to listen to your body's signals and adjust the timing and dosage accordingly.

Seasonal Considerations 

In Ayurveda, the seasons play a significant role in determining the appropriate use of herbs. While Akarkara can be consumed throughout the year, it is important to consider seasonal factors.

During the colder seasons, such as winter, Akarkara's warming properties can be particularly beneficial. It helps balance the cold and damp qualities that are predominant during this time. Consuming Akarkara in the form of teas or warm preparations can help keep the body warm, support circulation, and alleviate conditions associated with cold weather, such as joint stiffness and respiratory congestion.

In the hotter seasons, such as summer, it is important to be mindful of Akarkara's heating nature. While it can still be used, it is advisable to use smaller doses and pair it with cooling herbs or formulations to maintain balance and prevent overheating.

Remember, individual constitutions and imbalances can also influence the suitability of Akarkara intake at different times of the day and year. By considering the best times for Akarkara intake, whether in the morning or evening and taking seasonal factors into account, you can optimize its benefits and harmoniously support your overall well-being.

11. General Uses & Dosage

Dosage and Preparation Methods

In Ayurveda, the dosage of Akarkara (Pellitory Root) can vary depending on individual needs, body type, and the specific formulation or preparation being used. Akarkara is commonly available in powdered form, which can be easily incorporated into various Ayurvedic preparations. The general recommended dosage for Akarkara powder is 250-500 mg, taken once or twice a day.

It's important to note that Akarkara is a potent herb, and it's best to start with a lower dosage and gradually increase it as per your body's response. This allows you to observe any effects or potential sensitivities.

Akarkara / Pellitory Root Powder

Oral Consumption 

One of the most common ways to use Akarkara is through oral consumption. Here are a few methods:

Mixing with honey:

You can mix Akarkara powder with raw honey to create a paste-like mixture. This can be consumed directly or added to warm water, herbal teas, or milk.

Incorporating in herbal formulations:

Akarkara is often included in Ayurvedic herbal formulations, such as churnas (powders), tablets, or capsules. These formulations may combine Akarkara with other herbs to enhance its benefits and synergistic effects.

Infusing in oils:

Akarkara can be infused in oils, such as sesame oil or coconut oil, to create topical preparations. These oils can be used for massages or external applications for joint and muscular health.

When consuming Akarkara orally, it's recommended to take it on an empty stomach or before meals for better absorption.

External Applications 

Akarkara can also be used externally in various Ayurvedic therapies and applications. Here are a few examples:

Herbal oils and poultices:

Akarkara powder can be mixed with carrier oils, such as sesame oil, to create massage oils or applied as a poultice on affected areas. This external application can provide relief for joint pain, muscular discomfort, or nerve-related conditions.

Mouth rinses and gargles:

Akarkara can be added to warm water to create a mouth rinse or gargle. This can help support oral health, alleviate toothache, and promote gum health.

Ayurvedic formulations:

Akarkara may be included in traditional Ayurvedic formulations, such as tooth powders or herbal toothpaste. These preparations can help maintain oral hygiene and support overall dental health.

By understanding the different dosage and preparation methods, as well as the various ways to use Akarkara orally and externally, you can incorporate this herb effectively into your Ayurvedic self-care routine.

12. Factors to Consider When Buying Akarkara (Pellitory Root):

Quality and Authenticity 

When purchasing Akarkara, it is crucial to ensure that you are getting a high-quality and authentic product. Here are a few points to consider:

Source from reputable suppliers:

Look for suppliers or brands that have a good reputation for providing authentic Ayurvedic herbs. They should prioritize quality sourcing and have transparent information about the origin of their Akarkara.

Check for certifications:

Look for certifications such as Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), FSSAI or organic certifications, which indicate adherence to quality standards and sustainable practices.

Appearance and aroma:

Authentic Akarkara should have a distinct aroma and appearance. It should have a pungent and slightly sweet fragrance, and the root should be firm, dry, and free from mold or contaminants.

Third-party testing:

Some suppliers conduct third-party testing to ensure the purity and potency of their Akarkara products. Look for brands that provide these test results, as it adds credibility to the quality of the product.

Sourcing and Sustainability Practices

Consider the sourcing practices of the Akarkara supplier to ensure sustainability and ethical practices:

Wildcrafted or cultivated:

Akarkara can be wildcrafted from its natural habitat or cultivated under controlled conditions. Both methods can be sustainable if done responsibly. Look for suppliers who prioritize sustainable sourcing practices and work with local communities to ensure ethical harvesting.

Preservation of biodiversity:

Sustainable sourcing involves preserving the natural habitat and biodiversity of the plant. Suppliers should adhere to sustainable harvesting techniques and support initiatives that protect endangered species and their ecosystems.

Regenerative agriculture:

Some suppliers may follow regenerative agriculture practices, which focus on replenishing the soil, conserving water, and reducing environmental impact. Supporting brands that prioritize regenerative practices can contribute to the overall sustainability of Akarkara cultivation.

Organic and Ethical Considerations

If you prefer organic products and want to support ethical practices, consider the following:

Organic certification:

Look for Akarkara that is certified organic, indicating that it has been grown without the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, or genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Organic certification ensures a higher level of purity and reduces exposure to harmful chemicals.

Fairtrade and ethical practices:

Some suppliers may have fair trade certifications or ethical practices that ensure fair wages and working conditions for the local communities involved in Akarkara cultivation. Supporting these practices promotes social responsibility and sustainable livelihoods.

Packaging and Storage Guidelines

Packaging and storage play a vital role in maintaining the quality and potency of Akarkara:

Airtight packaging:

Akarkara should be packaged in airtight containers to protect it from moisture, light, and air, which can degrade its quality. Look for suppliers that use high-quality, sealed packaging.

Storage instructions:

Check if the supplier provides specific storage instructions for Akarkara. It is generally recommended to store it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to maintain its potency and shelf life.

Expiration date:

Ensure that the Akarkara product has a clearly marked expiration date to guarantee freshness and potency. Avoid purchasing products that do not provide this information.

Considering these factors when buying Akarkara (Pellitory Root) can help you make informed choices and ensure that you are getting a high-quality, authentic, and sustainably sourced product. It's important to do your research, read customer reviews, and choose reputable suppliers or brands that align with your values and priorities.

13. Where to Buy Akarkara (Pellitory Root)?

Online Retailers for Akarkara (Pellitory Root)

One convenient option for purchasing Akarkara (Pellitory Root) is through online retailers. Here are a few points to consider when buying Akarkara online:

Reputable websites:

Look for established online retailers that specialize in Ayurvedic herbs or natural health products. Check customer reviews and ratings to ensure the reliability of the retailer.

Product information:

A good online retailer will provide detailed information about the product, including sourcing, quality, and certifications. Look for websites that offer transparent information about the Akarkara they sell.

Shipping and return policies:

Check the shipping policies, delivery times, and return options offered by the online retailer. Make sure they provide secure packaging and reliable shipping methods to ensure the safe arrival of your Akarkara.

Local Health Food Stores and Herbal Shops

If you prefer to purchase Akarkara (Pellitory Root) in person, local health food stores and herbal shops can be a great option. Here's what to keep in mind:

Quality and authenticity:

Visit reputable health food stores or herbal shops known for their selection of high-quality herbs. Look for stores that prioritize sourcing from reliable suppliers and have knowledgeable staff who can provide information about the authenticity and quality of their Akarkara products.

Support local businesses:

Shopping at local health food stores and herbal shops not only allows you to physically see and inspect the products but also supports your local community.

Ask questions:

Take advantage of the opportunity to engage with the staff and ask questions about the Akarkara they sell. Inquire about the sourcing practices, certifications, and any additional information they can provide to ensure the quality and authenticity of the product.

14. Precautions and Side Effects 

When it comes to using Akarkara (Pellitory Root) in Ayurveda, it's important to be aware of potential precautions and side effects. Here are some key points to consider:

Potential Allergic Reactions or Sensitivities

Although Akarkara is generally considered safe when used in moderation, some individuals may experience allergic reactions or sensitivities. It's important to be aware of the following:

Allergic reactions:

Some people may be allergic to Akarkara or other plants in the same family (Piperaceae). If you have known allergies to this family of plants, it's best to avoid using Akarkara to prevent any adverse reactions.

Skin sensitivity:

Direct contact with Akarkara powder or oil may cause skin irritation or allergic dermatitis in some individuals. It's recommended to perform a patch test on a small area of skin before using Akarkara topically.

If you experience any allergic reactions, such as itching, redness, swelling, or difficulty breathing, discontinue use and seek medical attention immediately.

Dosage and Safety Guidelines

While Akarkara offers various health benefits, it's essential to follow appropriate dosage and safety guidelines to avoid any potential side effects. Here's what you need to know:

Consult with an Ayurvedic practitioner:

It is always wise to consult with a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner before incorporating Akarkara into your regimen. They can assess your unique health profile, including your dosha (constitution) and any existing health conditions, to recommend the appropriate dosage and usage.

Start with a low dosage:

If you're new to using Akarkara, start with a low dosage and gradually increase it as per the practitioner's guidance. This allows your body to adjust and helps you gauge your tolerance.

Avoid excessive use:

Using excessive amounts of Akarkara may lead to unwanted side effects. Stick to the recommended dosage and do not exceed it unless specifically advised by a qualified practitioner.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding:

It is generally recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women to avoid the use of Akarkara, as its safety during these periods has not been well-studied. Consult with your healthcare provider before using Akarkara if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or breastfeeding.

Contraindications and Interactions with Medications

Certain contraindications and interactions should be considered when using Akarkara, especially if you are taking other medications. Here are a few important points:

Blood-thinning medications:

Akarkara may have mild blood-thinning properties. If you are taking blood-thinning medications, such as anticoagulants or antiplatelet drugs, it's advisable to consult with your healthcare provider before using Akarkara, as it may enhance the effects of these medications.


Due to its potential blood-thinning effects, it is recommended to discontinue Akarkara use at least two weeks before scheduled surgery to minimize the risk of excessive bleeding.

Interactions with medications:

Akarkara may interact with certain medications, including antidiabetic drugs and antihypertensive medications. If you are taking any prescription medications, it's important to consult with your healthcare provider or Ayurvedic practitioner to ensure there are no potential interactions.

It's essential to prioritize your safety and well-being when using Akarkara (Pellitory Root) or any other herbal remedy. Be mindful of potential allergies or sensitivities, and follow the recommended dosage.

15. Frequently Asked Question

Q - Does Akarkara increase testosterone?

Akarkara (Pellitory Root) is believed to have aphrodisiac properties and is commonly used in Ayurveda to support sexual health and vitality. It is believed to help balance the reproductive system and enhance libido.

Q - Which parts of Akarkara are used?

In Ayurveda, the root of the Akarkara plant is primarily used for medicinal purposes. It is the main part of the plant that possesses therapeutic properties.

Q - What is the homeopathic name for Akarkara?

In homeopathy, Akarkara is known by its Latin name Anacyclus pyrethrum. It is often referred to as "Akarkara" in homeopathy as well.

Q - Which herb is king of Ayurveda?

In Ayurveda, Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is often regarded as the "king of herbs." It is a widely recognized herb known for its rejuvenating and adaptogenic properties.

Q - Which is the queen of herbs?

Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) is often referred to as the "queen of herbs" in Ayurveda. It is highly revered for its medicinal properties and is considered sacred in Indian culture.

Q - Which is the most powerful herb?

Regarding the most powerful herb, Ayurveda recognizes different herbs for their specific therapeutic benefits. It's challenging to identify a single herb as the most powerful, as their effectiveness depends on the individual's unique constitution and health condition.

Q - What is another name for Akarkara?

Another name for Akarkara is Pellitory Root, which is its English common name. It is also known by various other names in different languages and regions, including Akkarakaram, Akkalakara, and Pyrethrum.

Q - Can Akarkara be used for male sexual problems?

Yes, Akarkara has been traditionally used in Ayurvedic and Unani medicine to treat male sexual problems such as erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and low libido. The herb is believed to stimulate the production of testosterone, improve blood circulation to the genital organs, and enhance sexual desire.

Q - Is Akarkara a helpful fertility enhancer?

Yes, Akarkara, also known as Anacyclus pyrethrum, has traditionally been used in Ayurvedic and Unani medicine as a fertility enhancer. The herb is believed to improve male fertility by increasing testosterone levels and sperm count, improving sperm motility, and enhancing sexual function.

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